Okay, so for anyone who followed me there (I don’t advertise it that much and don’t care for it even before Elon and shit)
but anyway due to a mix of shit my account isn’t recoverable. I’d go more in depth into it but I’m so tired that I’m honestly done and just wanted to make it known. I’m saying it here because it’s been a motivator to organize my NG and start using it regularly. Only problem is that I have to use it on a mobile device since my computer has long been dead. I’m thinking about saving up for a new one but I’m not really in a situation where I can even think about such. That all being said I still use instagram, I ain’t going anywhere over there-and my YouTube is fine as well. I mention YouTube because I actually put vocal covers on there and I’ve been meaning to put some of them on here.
anyway yeah I’m in a shitty place with all this crap so apologies if I’m disorganized for a while.